At Tremblay Financial, we play as hard as we work. That’s why we proudly sponsor our own softball team. This year, Team Tremblay made it to the Elings Park 50-and-over championship. It was a close game, but we pulled through, defeating the opposing Rude Crew 16-15!
The game was a nail-biter, with Rude Crew trailing behind us the whole time. At the top of the seventh, Rude Crew tied the score. But Jim Slaught’s line drive into the right-center gap at the bottom of the seventh, followed by a game-winning run from Jim Peterson, sealed us the championship victory.
While we’ve always had employees play on the team, it’s only been the last year that Tremblay Financial has officially sponsored the team. Since taking on the sponsorship, Team Tremblay has seen back-to-back championship wins. For us at Tremblay Financial, it’s an honor and a privilege to connect with our community through this league and beyond.
We love seeing our people win, whether that’s our players on the field or our clients in the office. If you’re looking for guidance on your game strategy, please give us a call today! You can reach Tremblay Financial Services, Financial Advisors in Santa Barbara at 888.569.1982.